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Fiji Dive Sites

Waidroka offers an amazing variety of scuba diving !

Shark Dives – Soft Coral – Walls – Drift – Pinnacles
Wreck – Critters – Deep – Discovery Dives

Waidroka Bay Resort has a unique geographical position in that we are based just opposite the world famous ‘Beqa Lagoon” on the main island of Viti Levu and as such offer a huge variety of SCUBA DIVING FIJI with an amazing variety of FIJI DIVE SITES and including shark diving, wreck diving, drift diving, deep channel diving, wall diving, pinnacles, soft coral (some of Fiji’s best), critters and hard coral. 

Waidroka Dive will also engage in ‘discovery diving’ anywhere on our reefs and many times we head out with our guests to discover new dive sites on the vast amount of reefs we have as our playground in the Pacific Ocean.

Most of our dive sites are only between 15-45 minutes boat ride away and with a fleet of 5 dive boats and set moorings on most of our dive sites combined with our local knowledge we always manage to ensure a quick and safe journey and the best diving on any given day dependent on conditions.

Waidroka Dive engages in individual diving, group diving and also teaching as a Padi Operation from our own Padi Dive Center on site.


The below listed sites are just some of our recommendations for your Waidroka Dive Adventure in Fiji. There are an unlimited number of sites, including Discovery Dives anywhere along the vast reef line of the Beqa Lagoon, topped off by Deep Water Pinnacle ‘Cakau Lekaleka’ (24 miles to sea), which if conditions are right is just the cream on top…and then there are many of our local Coral Coast sites.

SHARK DIVE: “The Most Diverse & Energized Shark Diving Experience in the World!” Up to 8 different species of sharks, including Black- & Whitetips, Silvertips, Bulls, Grey Reef, Lemon, Nurse and Tiger SHARKS………

AQUARIUM: Fantastic place to see Nudibranchs and Flat Worms. Look to the blue for a chance sighting of something larger passing by. This hard coral site provides a nice garden for Turtles.

MATA POINT: A pelagic paradise with schools of Barracuda, Trevally, White Tip Reef Sharks and more. Cruise along this steep drop off looking out into the blue for whatever might be passing. Above the drop off is a garden of colourful hard corals where a number of Turtles are often sighted.

Waidroka Fiji Resort Dive Map

TUKINI & SERUA WALL: This wall dive contains a series of hidden caverns waiting to be explored. Enjoy the great sea fans and hard coral reef life that is densely packed along the wall. The site offers a good chance of close encounters with White Tip Reef Sharks along with green and Hawksbill Turtles.

TWILIGHT ZONE: For the more experienced diver. Rather than the coral reef structure that is typical to the area, this site offers a drift through volcanic formations leading down to a deep sandy valley with schools of Barracuda, Eagle Rays, Stingrays, Leopard Sharks, Guitar Sharks, White Tip Reef Sharks, Grey Reef Sharks, and Turtles.

FRIGATES WALLS: Big pinnacles coated in schools of purple Anthias. Spectacular swim-throughs. Amazing walls covered in soft coral, home to Moray Eels, Octopus, and assorted critters. White Tip Reef Sharks sleeping on sandy bottom and Grey Reef Sharks cruising. Turtles up near the surface and occasionally a ray or larger shark can be seen cruising by.

PONTI’S PLAYGROUND: Maze of colourful corals coating large Bommies folding out off a steep drop off. White Tip Reef Sharks resting on the bottom and potentially a leopard shark. The sides of the Bommies are home to Moray Eels, Nudibranchs, and a whole host of fish life over the top of the coral heads. Hard Coral gardens sloping towards the shallows.

TASU II WRECK: Deliberately sunk in 1994, TASU II was a 200 ton Taiwanese fishing vessel. Upright, on a sandy bottom, surrounded by garden eels, in about 80FT of water next to Yanuca Island. A well protected spot. Provides shelter to many reef fish and juveniles. Sponges and corals are starting to encrust her and every passing year she becomes more and more beautiful in her mantle of living reef. She offers a good chance to see Pipefish and Whip Coral Shrimp.

FANTASEA:  An aptly named site – a most enlightening display of soft corals and anemones completely cover this stunning lone pinnacle creating a rainbow of colour. An undercut ledge is home to an array of massive Gorgonians while the pinnacle is home to Blue Ribbon Eels, Blue Dragons and Mantis Shrimps. Exploring this site makes it clear why Cousteau labelled Fiji as the ‘soft coral capital of the world’.

SIDE STREETS: A beautiful dive site consisting of dozens of coral heads covered in life – almost too much to take in on 10 dives – let alone 1. Spectacular blend of hard and soft corals mixed with huge and plenty Gorgonians in vivid colours of reds, yellows, purples and pinks, this site is a photographer’s dream. Canyons and gorgeous swim-throughs harbor giant black coral bushes and sea whips. Multitude of fish life from Emperor Angel fish to White Tip Reef Sharks.

Golden Arch: A series of coral Bommies with a massive archway covered in vibrant soft corals which lead to a swim through. Rocky pinnacles encrusted with fans and black coral bushes – this is a glorious dive with plenty of colour. Reef Sharks, Barracuda & large schools of fish are often sited here.

CAESAR’S ROCK: A series of spectacular coral heads riddled with tunnels and caverns. Covered in soft corals of every imaginable colour! Huge Gorgonians and black coral bushes ensure great opportunities for the photographer. Schools of small bait fish mingle with Batfish and the chance to see Blue Ribbon Eels. A stunning dive site.

Come Dive with us in FIJI at Waidroka Bay Resort!

You can download our dive sites & maps infomation document with all the bellow information

Shark Dive

'Shark Dive Fiji' – world famous shark dive experience with…


Aquarium – Much like its sister dive (see above) offers a steeper…


Fantasea – A gorgeous wall dive near one of our favorite surf…

Golden Arches

‘Golden Arches’ – An infamous dive site consisting of dozens…

Ponti's Playground

‘Ponti's Playground’ – A diver’s paradise – this series…


‘Seven Sisters’ – Beqa Lagoon delivers yet again with this…

Tasu Wreck

‘Tasu Wreck’ – A series of spectacular coral heads riddled…

Twilight Zone

‘Twilight Zone’ – What we consider to be one of the best…